Whale & Dolphin Energy
Light Medicine

Welcome to a New Path of Healing

Whale & Dolphin Energy Light Medicine

What to Expect

The HEALING PROCESSES utilize your own energy field and work based on your intention. They work in perfect harmony with any other modality you are using to raise your vibration and with any other educational programs you are using to understand higher consciousness. 

Your first session is always a Whale Healing and Clearing.

In about 2-4 weeks, you will be able to start session work with the Great White Whales to create your Light Body.

The 4th or 5th session usually becomes a combination healing where the White Whales and Ascended Dolphins work together during the 90+ minute session.

You receive a DNA Calibration for one of the 12 strands of your DNA and a Light Body Activation from the 14 Templates given from the Whales.

Currently, there are 14 Light Body Activation Templates to recreate your Light Body working with the Cosmic White Whales and 13 DNA Calibration Templates for the 12 strands of DNA working with the Ascended Dolphins.

Sessions average 90 minutes and are available by Zoom, phone, or in person, and are encouraged every two weeks.

While everyone’s path is different and unique, we suggest the following path to achieve a complete and well-rounded healing experience because each of these healing experiences expand and build upon the previous one.

In the first healing experience, we will be working with the Earth whales, who then summon in the Cosmic Whales for your light body activations and finally the Dolphins come forward for your DNA calibrations.

The Path Forward

Step #1

Whale Healing & Clearing
with the Earth Whales

Step #2

Light Body Activations
with the Cosmic Whales

Step #3

Dolphin DNA

Dimensions of Clearing Include:

Personal, Family

Old Painful Memories

Lower Energies

Attachments, Parasites and Toxins

Release and removal of old contracts and
agreements that no longer serve

Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Cosmic or Universal

Begin your
Journey of Renewal

Discover More About Healing & Clearing with The Earth Whales.