
"Shaleigh is a first-class healer and is able to combine many different modalities, tailored specifically to your needs. I personally experienced her hands-on-healing approach and felt so much relief from her magic hands and soothing words. Shaleigh is a Wise Woman and super knowledgeable about the body, heart, mind, spirit connection. I highly recommend her treatments!"

Megan Wagner, PhD 


“I'd like to take this opportunity to convey how much I've benefited from the treatment I've received at your hands (literally) through the practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu and Chinese system energy massage.

My health challenges include degenerative disc disease, three low back operations, plus chronic arthritis and muscle spasms in my neck and back.  I look forward to my appointments with you, where I have the sense that you are able to directly sense where the problems are, and to open proper energy pathways that result in great relief and instilling peace of mind. 

I appreciate your explanations of the treatments and in my experience, this form of Eastern style medicine is bona fide and something I've found I cannot do without. 

Thank you.”

— John W. Koster