Step #2:

Light Body Activations

With the Cosmic White Whales

After receiving a Whale Healing and Clearing, you can experience Light Body Activations with the Great White Whales - the Cosmic Whales.

The White Whales are Cosmic Creators that came to our planet on March 3, 2012. They are here to help us humans prepare our Light Bodies and expand our consciousness, coming into a deeper self-awareness of our true selves. We are asked to move into Intentional Evolution and become a Conscious Creator.

Light Body Activations create a crystalline matrix in the human form, activating dormant DNA, and allowing you to carry more Light.

During these sessions the Cetaceans and Celestial Beings of Light access your Akashic Records and your original Soul Divine Life Blueprint. The session work offers you an opportunity to access your original state of existence.

The Great White Whales returned to Earth on March 3, 2012, and have shared that they are the “Keepers of the Codes of Creation.”

They are our Galactic Ancestors and seek now to connect with humanity to activate the dormant DNA encoding that can:

  • Release you from emotional and physical blocks that keep you bound to the human story of duality and polarity.

  • Activate the Crystalline DNA within you and assist you in transforming your water-based body into a luminous Light Body.

  • Claim your Divine Spiritual Gifts including Telepathic Communication, Natural Healing, Alchemy, and Your Divine Life Mission.

Your Session Experience:

Every session is customized and includes a Light Body Activation with the Great White Whales and potentially the Ascended Dolphin Masters. All sessions can be done long distance by Zoom, phone or in-person. All are equally effective.

Each session is 1 ½ hours with Shaleigh Ariel, the 16 White Whale Creator Council Members, the Ascended Dolphin Council, the Celestial Angelic Beings that serve you, and our powerful Andara Crystal grid.

For those wanting a Healing Series, we suggest One 1-1/2 hour session approximately every 2 weeks until you feel complete.

Each session builds upon what has already been given in the previous session. The energy is cumulative.

Our Healing Sessions include a Powerpoint presentation of the entire process and a recording of your session.

1 Session - $144.00
2 Sessions - $288.00
3 Sessions - $432.00
4 Sessions - $576.00

Use the button below to choose a date and time that works for you.

I accept payments via Venmo and Zelle. Once you schedule your appointment, I will contact you via email for payment information.