My Journey of Healing

I’ve always lived with one foot in the physical world and one in the spiritual.

As a child, I felt most at home in nature—climbing trees, wandering through wooded lots, and feeling a deep connection to animals and the earth.

The wild felt safe and magical, a place where I could just be.

My connection to the divine began early too. Church was a source of peace and emotional nourishment, where I felt an unshakable bond with something greater and knew I wanted to do meaningful work in the world. It wasn’t until adulthood that my path to healing unfolded.

With a degree in mathematics, Phi Beta Kappa, and having taken every computer course Penn State University offered at the time, I ventured out into the corporate world. But after 6 years of working on real time simulation projects for Navy training systems, and not feeling able to ethically continue, I knew I need to take a break.

It was the late 1960’s and the consciousness movement had begun and I dove in. Yoga, meditation, Alan Watts, Herman Hesse, John Lilly M.D. and his work with the dolphins, nature and its medicines, music and dance, and travel. Based on a vision given to me by Spirit, I took a year’s leave of absence, traveled in Europe and applied to law school.

While in the heart of Bavaria in a German language school with a Japanese roommate who did not speak English, my mind stilled and I turned inward to get a sense of where I was and what I wanted to do next. I got down to a core level truth. All I really wanted to do was “To use my talents in this world to do good.”

That was my essence. And I spoke to God and said: “If there really is a God, show me where you want me to go and what you want me to do.”

I rededicated myself to following that still voice within, with all my mind, heart and soul. This has not changed to this day. The path has not always been clear, and certainly not easy, but has always been interesting.

There was the outer world and there was the inner world, and they both pulled on me. I sat in law classes at SCU watching the auras around my professors. While I was still in law school I worked as a facilitator with a licensed psychologist who taught personal growth classes. I took the classes and then worked on staff supporting students. The experiences while taking the classes opened me up inside. I experienced and released past lives, childhood conditioning, confronted and released fear and anger, and connected with my guides, angels and archangels, and then helped other students do the same.

After I graduated, Spirit guided me to join a group in which the leader was channeling beings and energies of different colors. The week after joined, an interdimensional being named Galactigan was channeled and taught us how to work with chakras, color and sound to do healing. I found inner Self saying, “Now I know why I came.” That was truly the beginning of my hands on energy healing work.

It was the late 1970’s. Around that time, I started taking weekend massage classes and sharing massage with friends. I found that bodywork opened me up to other dimensions and timelines, and I also discover that I loved both giving and receiving. Each experience opened me further to the deeper purpose I had always felt.

My spiritual studies deepened with Kabbalah and the teachings of the Tree of Life, alongside hands-on healing, channeling, and sacred practices that shaped my path.

I’ve also studied and taught Aikido, a Japanese martial art, for over 40 years. Its principles—blending with energy, creating harmony, and moving in oneness—are at the heart of my work.

Every practice, from Kabbalistic wisdom to martial arts, weaves together to help me guide others toward healing, clarity, and alignment with their true selves.

Today, I help others reconnect with their authentic selves, awaken their unique gifts, and expand into the fullness of who they truly are. I’d love to help you do the same.